We would like to invite you to participate in the first workshop for applicants organised in the frame of the Open call for Proposals for small-scale projects in the Interreg programme Slovenia-Hungary for period 2021-2027 held on 20 June 2023.
According to the programme’s expectation institutions showing interest in small-scale projects connect many local people in the program area who will contact, cooperate, build trust and at the end improve the visibility of the program. It is expected that lasting relationships will be built that could be developed into bigger project ideas in the future.
The workshop will be held at Városi Művelődési Központ, in Lenti, Hungary. Have a look at the INVITATION WITH THE AGENDA of the event and please register by filling in the REGISTRATION FORM until 12:00 o’clock, 16 June 2023.
The workshop will be carried out in such a way that Hungarian and Slovene speaking potential applicants can participate (interpretation will be ensured).
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