Thanks to the “EU in my School” initiative, pupils from five primary schools situated near the Slovenian-Hungarian border have been able to get to know the local cultural heritage in the Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota in a playful way on several occasions.

The pupils researched our roots in the past. The guiding principle of the Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota in the “EU in my school” initiative was for pupils from 5 elementary schools to get to know the local cultural heritage in a relaxed and playful way, albeit professionally presented. The activities were based on the e-documenta Pannonica website, which presents the cultural heritage of more than 120 places in the cross-border area that spans Slovenia and Hungary. With 2 bilingual schools from Hungary also participating, the initiative was truly crossborder. Between the museum and the participating schools, 3 interconnected activities were designed, which took place in 3 steps.

The first step was held in the classroom. The museum curator came to present the “EU in my school” initiative, and the e-documenta Pannonica project. On this site pupils were able to view examples of cultural heritage from their local area. As an introduction to the next step, they used the website to discover examples of castle equipment kept in the museum, such as the portrait of Count Pavel Szapáry and the salon table.

The exchange in the classroom was followed by a visit to the Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota. Pupils took part in a museum tour involving research and interactive elements about castles in Prekmurje. They saw original objects from the castle, experienced the castle atmosphere in the baroque salon and solved fun challenges in groups. During a creative workshop, they created a personal coat of arms on canvas bags – a lasting memory of their “EU in my school” experience. The visit ended the pupils having fun walking on stilts.

Sometime later, to consolidate their individual experience, participating pupils were visited by writer Norma Bale and took part in a storytelling workshop. The pupils recounted their experiences and impressions in a playful and creative way in the form of a story, with their texts interwoven with photos and drawings. The individual stories were collected together to form a joint book and helped make the “EU in my school” initiative even more memorable.

The e-documenta Pannonica project was co-financed by the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary Cooperation Programme.

Check out the books prepared by children during the sessions:


Final e-publication