The Korenika social biofarm and the Muraba EGTC jointly organized a series of events called INCLUSION FEST in 2024 with the aim of improving the dialogue between generations and cultures. The border region, due to its remoteness from larger centers, faces many challenges in terms of quality social, cultural and educational services. The project leader, Korenika, consists of three farms, the central part of which provides training and employment for people from vulnerable social groups. The Muraba EGTC was established in 2017 with the aim of developing the Slovenian-Hungarian border region through cross-border projects, improving the living conditions of the people living there, and preserving culture.

The Diversity and Connection Festival was held in Korenika on May 24, at which about 15 social, disability and healthcare organizations presented themselves. The festival was attended by 200 people who were able to meet with several regional organizations, including the Social and Labor Center of Murska Sobota, the Home for the Elderly in Lendava, the Vitica Institute, the Municipality of Szentgotthárd and several charity organizations. The organizations participating in the festival also participated in a roundtable discussion on the development of innovative social care services in rural areas. Korenika Director Goran Miloševič said that despite the fact that the region is located on the periphery of the country compared to the central areas, the organizations in the area try to provide a quality approach to the people living here. This is also the basic principle of the Korenika biofarm: they connect various programs, content and actors with the aim of improving the living conditions of local residents.

As part of the Hungarian program of INCLUSION FEST, a series of events were organized in Szentgotthárd on November 29. The programs organized by the Muraba EGTC, strengthening intergenerational relations and intercultural dialogue, took place at three locations. In the Lipa Hotel, youth and senior organizations introduced themselves, and in addition to the introductions, members of different age groups even danced with the help of PresiDance. The program was closed by a round table discussion, at which organizations operating in the region discussed the challenges experienced in the field of intergenerational cooperation and social inclusion. Parallel to the event, members of the Szentgotthárd Homeland Knowledge Club held a guided tour of the monastery for kindergarten and school children. The children were able to learn about the lives of previous generations while touring the building. The day ended with the concert titled “Together” in the theatre. The audience, which included both younger and older generations, heard poems set to music performed by Renáta Szép and Bence Varga.

You can also read an article about the project in the Széchenyi Programme Office’s Newsletter No 210: