INTERACT launched a video competition

Since 2012, the INTERACT programme has been coordinating a Europe-wide campaign called European Cooperation Day with the aim of highlighting results of European Territorial Cooperation and neighbouring programmes and projects. Each year, the campaign is celebrated on 21 September and its surrounding days. The target group of this initiative is the general public. More information can be found on the campaign website of the EC DAY The European Cooperation Day will be celebrated again on 21 September 2014. On this occasion, INTERACT launched a video contest among European projects, programmes, and individual film-makers to share their videos highlighting the results and benefits of cooperation in Europe. The theme for the video competition is ‘border issues, border solutions’. The videos should relate to programme or projects financed in the programming period 2007-2013 and should not exceed the maximum length of 3 minutes. They may be professional or amateur and have to be submitted until 15 July 2014. For more information on the selection procedure, evaluation criteria, technical specifications and the terms and conditions see the INTERACT Official Contest Rules.

INTERACT Official Contest Rules