Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary approved!


We are glad to inform you that the European Commission has formally approved the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary for the programme period 2014-2020 (CP Interreg SI-HU).
(več …)

EU PROJECT – MY PROJECT; Open Days, 18 and 19 September


There is not a single municipality is Slovenia that hasn’t received EU funding to co-finance at least one project. Have you discovered yours yet?

You might be one of the 65,000 people who have broadband access or maybe one of the 300,000 people with a better and safer drinking water supply thanks to European Cohesion Policy. Maybe you are able to take a shorter route to work thanks to new railway tracks, roads and motorway sections, or maybe cycling is made safer thanks to new cycling routes. Maybe your friend has a new job thanks to over 300,000 new jobs created or maybe your friend participated in one of the 800 research projects.
(več …)

Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Hungary submitted to the European Commission

On 17 July 2015 the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Hungary was submitted to the European Commission (EC), taken into account the comments on the content of the document, received by the EC. All further information will be available on our website in due time.

Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

Fourth edition of the “Europe in My Region” photo competition launched

Already for the fourth time, the European Commission (DG REGIO) launched the photo competition Europe in My Region that aims to highlight the excellent work that projects across Europe are doing with the help of EU funding, and explore what these projects mean to local communities. As in previous years, participants have to take a photo of an EU funded project and show evidence of EU funding on the photo. This year, the competition area includes, for the first time, IPA (pre-accession) countries. To enter the competition, take a photo of a project receiving EU funding you know or have seen, with the plaque or billboard with funding information and the EU flag somewhere in the picture. Then share your photo for a chance to win a trip for two to Brussels in October 2015. The deadline for submitting your entry is 28 August 2015. For further information see EUROPE IN MY REGION

Notice to ISARR users

We would like to inform you that we have opened a new access point for accessing the application ISARR, which operates under the new system to support the functioning of cohesion policy. ISARR will now be available on the website: Through the above web address you will have access to the username and password that you use to access via the old site ( Access from the old website will still be possible, but you will be automatically routed to the module under online title A new way to access ISARR allows access from any operating system with a Web browser compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0. This means that you can henceforth use the application easily from Windows 8 and later. IMPORTANT: The first time you log on to your web browser a warning that you didn’t install the root certificate will be displayed. Choose the option “Continue to this website (not recommended)”. If necessary, click again “Yes” and in the dialog window, enter your credentials. To avoid respective initial warning, you can install a root certificate of ISARR server, so that in the IE you click on the red colored box with the inscription “Certificate error” (in addition to the title bar, above). Then click on “View certificates” and click the “Install Certificate…”, then “Next”, select “Place all certificates and Following the store,” “Browse… “, select” Trusted Root Certification Authorities, “” Ok, “” Next “or” Yes “. After you install your digital certificate, you’ll get a notice of a successful installation.

Visit of the Hungarian Ambassador

On 18 June 2015 the Hungarian Ambassador to Slovenia Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi visited the representatives of the Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat at the headquarters in Maribor. In an interview with the program manager, Aleš Mrkela and representatives of the Joint Technical Secretariat, the Ambassador noted the successful implementation and results of the Operational Programme for cross-border cooperation between Slovenia and Hungary for the period 2007-2013. The cooperation program between Slovenia and Hungary in the new financial perspective 2014-2020 was also presented to Ambassador. The Ambassador expressed her satisfaction with the successful implementation of the current program and offered her cooperation and support in the implementation of the new cooperation program.

Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Hungary 2014-2020 submitted to the European Commission

Today, the Cooperational Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Hungary 2014-2020 was submitted to the European Commission (EC) for approval. The decision or possible comments/remarks by the EC are expected within the next 3 months. All further information will be available on our website in due time.

Citizens Summary

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

The strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the Slovenia-Hungary Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2014-2020 has commenced based on European Commission Directive 2001/42/EC and in line with its Hungarian adaptation, Government Decree No. 2/2005 of 11 January 2005. SEA is a useful tool to emphasize the positive environmental impacts of the Programme and at the same time to avoid actions that are harmful to the environment. In order to ensure transparent decision-making, the possibility for consultations is offered to the relevant environmental protection authorities and to the general public. Following the publishing (24 February 2015) on the website there are 30 days available (until 26 March 2015) in the framework of the public consultation to submit comments, opinions and recommendations (in the field of environmental protection and sustainability) to the Slovenia-Hungary Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2014-2020 and to its Strategic Environmental Assessment, with sending the inputs to Ms Dóra Horváth via e-mail to the following address: Materials available for download:

Draft_CP_SIHU 20114-2020_V3.2
Draft_SEA_CP_SIHU 2014-2020_ENG
Translation_HU_Executive_Summary_CP_SI-HU 2014-2020

Slovenia-Hungary Cooperation Programme 2014-2020: NEW DATES FOT THE WORKSHOPS!

We are sorry to inform you that the Workshops related to the preparation of the Slovenia-Hungary Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 scheduled for this week Thursday (29 January) in Nagykanizsa and Friday (30 January) in Lendava will be cancelled due to the unexpected illness of two key experts of the programme developer team. Please find the new dates and places for the Workshops in the invitation:

Workshop Invitation _NEW DATES!

Slovenia-Hungary Cooperation Programme 2014-2020: Workshop Invitation

Besides the online consultation, we are kindly inviting you to workshops, in which we would like to present the Cooperation Programme. Furthermore the Workshop is to receive your comments, and action/project level, practical inputs – therefore we’re kindly asking such colleagues to participate, who can read the draft Programme at the website, and prepare for the workshop beforehand (further ideas of expected activities/actions to go under the chosen Thematic Objectives and project ideas etc.). We’re going to organize two workshops: one in Hungary (held in Hungarian) and one in Slovenia (held in Slovenian) with the same agenda, which are open to participants from both sides of the border. At both events Slovenian-Hungarian interpretation will be provided. More info:

Workshop Invitation