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The Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, acting as the Managing Authority of the Interreg Program Slovenia-Hungary organized the signing ceremony for the ERDF Subsidy contracts of the small-scale projects approved in the first submission round of the Open Call in Nagyrécse, Hungary on Friday, 23 February 2024.After a short cultural programme performed by the pupils of the Primary School of Nagyrécse, the Mayor of the Municipality of Nagyrécse warmly welcomed the participants. The Head of the Managing Authority emphasized the importance of cross-border cooperation and the strengthening of mutual trust, for which funds are primarily intended for the co-financing of small-scale projects. The Managing Authority and the Lead Partners signed the contracts for 11 small-scale projects.
The small-scale projects approved – where the programme has applied a high level of simplification, both in terms of content and financial aspects – have been designed to strengthen trust and relationships between people. The 11 projects now being launched will include career guidance events, promoting bridge, organising handicraft events, telling the story of the mills, focusing on folk music, organising literary and musical events, organising table tennis events and raising awareness of climate change. They also strengthen youth links, promote the preservation of linguistic heritage and help bring generations together.
The Programme wishes all project partners a successful implementation of their projects.
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