We would like to inform you that the 2nd deadline for the submission of standard project proposals in the frame of the programme will close on 19 January 2024 at noon (12:00).
In the frame of the 1st submission round all available funds under Priority 3 – Cooperating Border Region/Interreg specific objective 3.1 have been committed, for this reason, the Monitoring Committee members of the programme have decided on the temporary suspension of submission of the standard project proposals within Priority 3. Nevertheless, you can still submit standard project proposals under Priority 1 and Priority 2 of the programme, where funds are still available.
The IP SI-HU operates on the basis of the Open Call system. This means that as applicants you can submit project applications continuously after the Open Call for Proposals for standards projects has been launched as long as funds are available. The Open Call for Proposals for standards projects and the application pack are available on the programme website.
Furthermore, we would like to inform you that the 2nd workshop for applicants in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals for standard projects of the Interreg programme Slovenia-Hungary for the period 2021-2027 will take place at the end of November. The workshop will be held in Slovenia.
The workshop will be carried out in such a way that Hungarian and Slovene speaking potential applicants can all participate (interpretation will be ensured). For further information on the exact place, date and agenda of the workshop please follow the programme webpage, or programme Facebook page or subscribe to the programme’s newsletter on the webpage.
Join us and get familiar with the programme requirements and rules in order to develop and prepare a good-quality project proposal.
We hope you will be successful and your standard project proposal will be positively evaluated!
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