Socio-economic analysis
Preliminary Strategic Orientations
First public consultation
Second public consultation
Third public consultation
Draft IP Slovenia-Hungary 2021-2027
Strategic Enviornmental Assessment
Interreg VI-A Slovenia-Hungary Programme for the period 2021-2027 is about to offer new funding to public organisations in the programme area who want to shape the region with their smart ideas. These smart ideas will turn into innovative solutions that will improve the life of people in border region.
Interreg crossborder programme Slovenia-Hunagry has supported crossboreder cooperation between Slovenia and Hungary for many years. We are building trust beyond borders and connect people to work together on different strategically important topics.
The preparations for the Interreg Programme Slovenia-Hungary 2021-2027 began in the autumn of 2019 with setting up a Programming Task Force (PTF) to supervise the overall progress of programming, and to take formal decisions on the content of the future Programme. The PTF is composed of delegates from both Member States.
Also in the 2021-2027 programming period, the programme will be managed by the Slovene Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy (GODC) acting as Managing Authority and Joint Secretariat in close cooperation with representatives of both Member States, Slovenia and Hungary.
The programming process builds on the experiences from current as well as past programming periods. The EU regulatory framework and in particular the European Regulations applicable for Interreg programmes are being observed in all programming steps.
In April 2021 the Territorial and socio-economic analysis commissioned by the Programme depicted the challenges well as strong points of the area. Analysis has been prepared by the team of external experts supporting the programming process. It highlighted some important issues that could improve the quality of life of the citizens living in the area as well as increase its economic growth.
In the framework of public consultation for the strategic orientation of the programme, regional stakeholders and the general public were invited to participate in an online survey to provide their feedback, comments and arguments regarding potential contents of the future Interreg Programme.
On the basis of the analysis and discussions held with the representatives of the PTF SI-HU, Preliminary Strategic Orientations were prepared. This document represents a discussion paper on considerations for the selection or obstacles regarding the non-selection of Specific Objectives for the future Interreg Programme Slovenia-Hungary 2021-2027.
Public workshops were also organised in order to raise the discussion on Slovenia-Hungary crossborder area. These informative events took place as follows:
- 27th September 2021 for PO 2 – online
- 30th September 2021 for PO 4 and ISO 1 – online
Based on the Territorial and socio-economic analysis and previous strategic orientations, the draft Interreg VI-A Slovenia-Hungary Programme was prepared within the programming group.
In the frame of the preparation of the programme also the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is carried out in order to identify the potential negative impacts of the programme on the environment. A Draft environmental report has been prepared and represents an intermediate result of the assessment.