M.Sc. Jasmina Litrop
Phone: +386 (0)1 400 3162
E-mail: jasmina.litrop@gov.si
E-mail: si-hu.svrk@gov.si

Anita Plevnik
Phone: +386 (0)1 400 3160
E-mail: anita.plevnik@gov.si
E-mail: si-hu.svrk@gov.si

Ph.D Katja Šnuderl
Phone: +386 (0)1 400 3164
E-mail: katja.snuderl2@gov.si
E-mail: si-hu.svrk@gov.si

Andras Zakar
Phone: +386 (0)1 400 3102
E-mail: andras.zakar@gov.si
E-mail: si-hu.svrk@gov.si

Gombás Ágnes
Széchenyi Programiroda Nonprofit Kft.
Petőfi Sándor utca 24.
HU-8900 Zalaegerszeg
Phone: +36 (06)92 511-070
E-mail: gombas.agnes@szechenyiprogramiroda.hu
E-mail: si-hu.ip@szechenyiprogramiroda.hu

Anita Takács
Széchenyi Programiroda Nonprofit Kft.
Fő tér 15
H-9700 Szombathely
Tel. +36 20 959 1669
E-mail: Takacs.Anita.Terezia@szechenyiprogramiroda.hu
E-mail: si-hu.ip@szechenyiprogramiroda.hu
The JS is placed within the GODC (Cross-border programmes management division) and is set up by the MA. The set-up and functioning of JS, including its activities are funded from the TA budget in line with MA work plans. It is composed of different posts of members from both partner countries and financed by technical assistance from both member states, so the joint staffing is assured.
The JS facilitates coordination between similar or complementary projects. The JS is placed within the GODC and has two branch offices (Infopoints) in Hungary. The entire team of JS is led by a Head of JS who is functionally independent from MA and any other programme body as specified in Description of Management and Control.
The tasks of the JS are, among others, the following:
- assists the MA and the MC in carrying out their respective functions;
- provides information to NA during implementation;
- provides information to potential beneficiaries about funding opportunities under CPs necessary for project application;
- administrative and eligibility check and quality assessment of the project applications;
- use of Arachne tool to assess the financial capacity of the stakeholders and to impose antifraud measures;
- organising workshops addressed to potential applicants;
- assists beneficiaries in implementing their operations;
- assists the Lead Beneficiaries in preparing payment claims;
- elaboration and coordination of the Annual Implementation Reports and submitting them to the MA and the MC;
- provides support for the preparation of meetings and events at the programme level;
- collects financial, physical and statistical data that is needed for programme monitoring as well as for the interim and final implementation reports;
- ensures the administrative management of (external) tasks and services;
- ensures proper functioning and maintainance of the Monitoring and Information System (e-MS);
- coordinating the process of project assessment, contracting external experts on a case-by-case basis;
- ensures the coordination as well as the follow-up of information and publicity activities at programme level including maintaining the programme’s website according to the communication strategy;
- participations in communication initiatives of the EC, of INTERACT and/or national organizations;
- coordinates evaluations performed during (and following) the implementation of the Programme.
MA sets up and manages the Infopoints (IPs) representing the Programme on national, regional and local level within Hungary. Infopoints are part of the JS team. The IPs are coordinated by the Head of JS on the basis of work plans and play a crucial role as the interface between NAs, MA and potential applicants. The IPs provides (call specific) information to potential applicants, advises and assists beneficiaries participating in approved operations, informs stakeholders on achievements of the Programme and supports the programme management and JS. IPs will also contribute to programme implementation through monitoring of the operations on Hungarian side of the border. The set-up and activities of the IPs are funded from the TA budget in line with IPs work plans. Head of JS bears full responsibility for the operation and work of IPs. Regardless of institutional organisation, the IPs are under the full authority of Head of JS.