Priority axis 1: ATTRACTIVE REGION
The priority axis includes one investment priority 6c corresponding to the Thematic Objective 6.
The region has a high potential in natural and cultural assets that necessitates its protection and preservation and also creates a strong basis for sustainable development of heritage based tourism and related activities. However the region is also featured by ‘dual” characteristics: certain sub-regions (especially spa and thermal ones) are well developed with outstanding performance compared to national and EU standards, other areas are significantly lagging behind their potentials, (especially rural and natural areas, protected areas).
The projects financed under this priority axis will be oriented towards 1) supporting the preservation of the heritage, and 2) promoting the exploitation of this potential in the regions not valorizing it in tourism. Taking into account the financial allocation of the Programme, only small-scale infrastructure developments can be supported which fits to the preservation/development initiatives of the border region’s tourism.
Possible key areas of cooperation:
- Preserve, valorize and promote natural and cultural heritage through sustainable forms of tourism,
- Create the proper physical and service infrastructure for tourism in remote areas,
- Provide help for the stakeholders to improve their tourism service quality, effectiveness and competitiveness, through e.g. networking, clustering,
- Improve visibility, branding of the region by joint communication (ICT tools),
- Diversification of joint product and services through crosslinking of remote cultural and natural heritage spots with larger tourism destinationsiversification of joint product and services through crosslinking of remote cultural and natural heritage spots with larger tourism destinations.
The priority axis includes one investment priority (11b) corresponding to the Thematic Objective 11. Efficient cooperation of the regional actors can provide strong added value to the development of the Region, as common problems can be tackled jointly with greater impacts and effectiveness resulting in stronger cross-border identity. Adopting better governance models resulting in high level public services and social innovations addressing also the needs of vulnerable groups is one of the key challenges of the Region, calling for more cooperation between public authorities, civil organizations and public interest bodies. Ultimately strengthening cross-border cooperation of the stakeholders, and thereby contributing to increased respect, tolerance and mutual understanding is also one of the key targets of the EU.
The projects shall seek cooperation in addressing the main challenges and needs identified within the analysis of the programme area. They will not develop infrastructures and will not be focused on investments, but will seek opportunities offered by the cross-border networks and cooperation for improving the situation in different socio-economic and environmental sectors.
Possible key areas of cooperation:
- Societal challenges, as ageing, poverty, migration, quality social services, healthcare,
- Environmental protection, renewable energy, risk management,
- Cross-border accessibility and interoperability (soft measures, collaboration),
- Harmonization of labor market needs with education and vocational training with special focus on youth and all disadvantaged groups.