5th Monitoring Committee Meeting
The fifth Monitoring Committee meeting took place on 5 and 6 July 2017 in Moravske Toplice, Slovenia.
The members of the Monitoring Committee were informed about implementation of the programme in period 2014-2010 and closure of programme 2007-2013, they were acquainted with the work of Irregularity Officer at Managing Authority, with new platform prepared by European Commission and with first results of the 1st evaluation of the programme. They approved Annual Implementation report 2016 and set the 4th submission deadline on 14 November 2017 at 12.00 hours.
Second day of the meeting they accept the decision on the projects submitted in the frame of the 3rd submission deadline. They approved 7 projects, postpone 4 and rejected 7 projects.
The decisions are available in the attached document.
Presentations of the 5th MC meeting