In Podravje, Pomurje and Vas, there are many elements of natural and cultural heritage that have been COMPLETELY OVERSEEN. These are independent, not connected points, that are hard to reach and dysfunctional. The project ESCAPE will solve this TERRITORIAL CHALLENGE – we will enrich 81 tolerance points (with attractive descriptions in a free-of-charge digital database and nice ambience) and connect them sustainably into 5 ATTRACTIVE CB TOURISM PRODUCTS (escapes). These escapes will be attractive for all types of tourists who are in search of experience, adventure and learning. The general goals of the project are to ENRICH THE TOURISM FLOW from magnets and reduce territorial disparities. This systemic integrated approach will transform less visible potentials into unique tourism destinations. The change of the intervention logic relates to the tourism demand; tourists today only notice the attractiveness of magnets, after project-end they will have the wish to explore the countryside. New adventure products will be tied to the theme of TOLERANCE (towards refugees, expatriates, different regions, deprivileged groups, …). Our goal are 3,000 overnights, 10,000 visits to monuments and sights, addressed by the project and 310 participants at interpretative and educational events. Activities of project partners will bring benefits especially to tourists and the local inhabitants. CB COOPERATION is necessary, because the subject area identified same types of features and shortcomings in the tourism segment. Tourism products would remain sparse and not connected if subject to national approach only; the financial investment would be considerably higher. Innovativeness derives from the concept of enriching the traditional heritage with modern contents through trendy digital communication – APP and QR codes. A necessary requirement for realization of this ambitious project is a WIDE PARTNERSHIP of complementary stakeholders that cover all strategic roles.



  • Priority axis 1

    Investment priority 6c

    SO 1: To increase attractiveness through the diversification and cross-border integration of the sustainable touristic offer in the programme area, based on the protection of the elements of cultural and natural heritage

  • Project duration

    15.04.2017 – 14.06.2021

  • Comitted ERDF co-financing

    820.995,99 EUR

  • Project partners
    • Občina Apače / Apače Önkormányzata (Lead Partner)
    • Mestna občina Monošter / Szentgotthárd Város Önkormányzata
    • Občina Sveta Ana / Sveta Ana Önkormányzata
    • Porabsko kulturno in turistično društvo Andovci / Rába-vidéki Szlovén Kulturális és Turisztikai Egyesület Orfalu
    • Občina Sveti Andraž v Slov. goricah / Sveti Andraž v Slov. goricah Önkormányzata
    • Mestna občina Őriszentpéter / Őriszentpéter Város Önkormányzata
    • Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko / Maribori Egyetem Elektrotechnika, Számítástechnikai és Informatikai Kara
    • Občina Lenart / Lenart Önkormányzata
    • Javni zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo kulturne dediščine / Szlovén Kulturális Örökségvédelmi Intézet