- 67,59% of the total available ERDF funds – which means 10,000,000 Euro – is allocated to Thematic Objective 6 “preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency”, Investment Priority 6c “conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage”. Considering the very limited budget of the Programme, in order to achieve a tangible impact in the field of development of sustainable tourism, two-thirds of the available resources are directed towards Priority 1. This takes into consideration the foreseen need for resources of the planned types of actions and the experiences of the previous Programme in the field of preservation of natural and cultural values.
- 22,27% of the total available ERDF funds – which means 3,295,015 Euro – is allocated to Thematic Objective 11 “Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions“. The allocation was based on the lower financing needs of the main types of actions envisaged under this Priority Axis (the organization of meetings, conferences, seminars, with possible minor pilot elements of specialized actions).
- 10.14% of the total available ERDF funds – which means 1,500,000 Euro – is allocated to the Technical Assistance of the Programme, in line with Article 17 of the ETC Regulation.