We are inviting you to cooperate in the preparation of the Interreg Programme for Cross-border Cooperation Slovenia–Hungary (Interreg SI-HU) for the next programming period 2021-2027, with taking part in a survey.

Since you are reading these lines, we assume that you are interested in cross-border cooperation between Slovenia and Hungary. Therefore, we would be very happy if you could take some of your valuable time and express your opinion on the strategic orientations of the cross-border program Slovenia-Hungary 2021-2027. You can do this via the online form available at this link:
Slovene language: ONLINE SURVEY.
Hungarian language: ONLINE SURVEY.
The main objective of this questionnaire is to get inputs for the Interreg Programme SI-HU in order to serve as a useful tool for development of the cross-border area.
We kindly ask you to share with us your insight on:
- Area’s main development challenges,
- How to address them in the most suitable way,
- Understanding the constraints to successfully overcome them.
We will appreciate your suggestions and ideas. Most questions are prepared in a way that you simply decide to rate or choose an answer (you also always have the option to add your proposals), followed by some very important open-ended questions where we ask for your views and suggestions.
Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation. Your inputs are very important for us to make informed decisions in the selection of the priority objectives of the future programme.
The questionnaire does not ask personal data. The information collected through the survey will be further utilised by the Managing Authority of the Slovenia-Hungary Interreg Programme and its contractors responsible for preparation of the Interreg Programme Slovenia-Hungary 2021-2027.
The online survey will be available until April 8, 2021.
We would be happy if you would send the questionnaire also to those who you think are interested in the topic and would like to participate.
The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Slovenia-Hungary program sincerely thank you for taking some of your valuable time, as we believe that together we can do more.