The municipalities of the region (three of them partners) are seeking opportunities for sustainable development. In our judgement, there is a lack of touristic services, especially programmes for families with young children. The offers are often uncoordinated, and the sales systems are undeveloped. The products should make a larger area attractive, providing the opportunity for tourists to stay for several days. The project responds to these complex challenges; it uses the results of the partners’ previous project called ‘5 Stagecoaches’ to create touristic products that meet the demands in the region near the border. On one hand, it is the TELE-KA-LAND Fairy Tale Park network, which aims to make the region attractive to almost every age group. With the same goal, we are developing large-scale events at four partners, capitalizing on the knowledge base of the University of Pannonia, and drawing on the bases of the Fairy Tale Park and local traditions. A key element of the project is that the touristic destination management organisation that is created conducts coordinated marketing activities to achieve our goals. The role of this organisation is to get messages related to new products across to potential guests. The most modern communication techniques are used in this activity. Mobile applications are made, Facebook PPC campaigns are run and Google AdWords search and display campaigns are conducted to publicise the product, but traditional marketing tools are also used. As part of our work packages, we plan to organise training courses for the service providers of the region under the guidance and with the participation of the University of Pannonia. These courses include electronic sales tools, equestrian tour guide certified training and hotel animator.Our structured activities all point to one direction: to use new products to attract more visitors to the region for longer periods and to provide a high standard of services for them.





  • Priority axis 1

    Investment priority 6c

    SO 1: To increase attractiveness through the diversification and cross-border integration of the sustainable touristic offer in the programme area, based on the protection of the elements of cultural and natural heritage

  • Project duration

    01.01.2018 – 31.12.2020

  • Comitted ERDF co-financing

    399.315,12 EUR

  • Project partners
    • Nagyrécse Község Önkormányzata (Lead Partner)
    • Magyarszerdahely Község Önkormányzata
    • Turistično-Informativni center Moravske Toplice
    • Zavod za okolje in turizem Dobrovnik
    • Pannon Egyetem