New version of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) published

The frequently asked questions, which are published on the programme website for the topics general questions, eligibility of expenditure and reporting and the electronic Monitoring System (eMS), were extended with the topic information and communication.

The new version is available under “Frequently asked questions”.

18 project applications submitted in the forth deadline for the submission of projects

On Thuesday, 14th November 2017 at 12:00 the forth deadline for the submission of project applications in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary in the period 2014-2020 ended.

Until the closure of the deadline, 18 project applications were submitted. Below you can find the table of all received applications with requested amounts.

The next deadline for the submission of project applications is foreseen in the mid of year 2018. The date of the fifth deadline for the submission of projects will be published on the programme website at least two months before the end of the deadline.












Order Project ID Acronym Name of the project Priority Axis Specific Objective Lead Partner ERDF amount requested (in EUR)
1 SIHU169 E-BRIDGE Krepitev čezmejnega energetskega sodelovanja med skupnostmi

 / Határon átnyúló energiaügyi együttműködés erősítése közösségek között

2 1 Local Development Foundation for Pomurje region  €        299.738,26
2 SIHU182 ReCharge Povečati zmogljivosti sodelovanja z namenom doseganja višje ravni zrelosti v čezmejnih odnosih / Az együttműködésre való képesség (kapacitás) növelése a határon átnyúló kapcsolatok magasabb színvonala érdekében 2 1 Zala County Development Public Nonprofit Ltd.  €        314.776,67
3 SIHU168 HOUSES »Poti podeželskih hiš« – Dediščina je naša prihodnost-razvoj turizma na slovensko-madžarskem obmejnem območju na temelju vrednot / “Tájházak útja” – Örökségünk a jövőnk – értékekre alapozott turizmusfejlesztés a szlovén-magyar határrégióban  1 1 Pannon Local Product Nonprofit Ltd.  €        336.925,10
4 SIHU138 Pannon Feeling Pannon Életérzés – tematikus turisztikai attrakciófejlesztés – Panonsko doživetje – Razvoj tematskih turističnih atrakcij 1 1 PARBEN-TOUR Nonprofit Ltd.  €    1.378.767,07
5 SIHU184 Szőlőhegyi Piknik/Piknik  Szőlőhegyi Piknik/Piknik v vinogradu 1 1 Zala Wineroute Association  €        231.364,96
6 SIHU185 SocialNetwork Közösségi háló a veszélyhelyzetbe került hátrányos helyzetű személyek védelméért / Socialna mreža za zaščito in reševanje pripadnikov ranljivih skupin v primeru izrednih razmer 2 1 Municipality of Lenti  €        308.101,45
7 SIHU188 R-in-G Zöld Rapszódia – találkozások, emberarcú kulturális és természeti környezetben / Zelena rapsodija – srečanja v človeku prijaznem kulturnem in naravnem okolju / Rhapsody in Green 1 1 Ori Foundation  €        375.371,90
8 SIHU189 PANNON ACTIVATION HUB Aktivacijska stičišča kot orodje za krepitev institucionalnega sodelovanja na področju zaposlovanja skupin z manj možnostmi /Közösségi aktivációs pontok, mint eszköz az intézményes együttműködés megerősítésére a hátrányos helyzetű csoportok foglalkoztatásának területén 2 1 Research and Educational Centre Mansion Rakičan  €        321.312,75
9 SIHU190 ETHOS LAND Vzpostavitev mreže družbeno odgovornih turističnih ponudnikov / Társadalmilag felelős idegenforgalmi szolgáltatók hálózatának létrehozása 1 1 The Slovenian Provinces Public Benefit Non-profit Ltd.  €        923.268,64
10 SIHU191 NeMeSzoV II. Nemzetközi mentorhálózat a szociális vállalkozásokért –

Mednarodna mentorska mreža za socialna podjetništva 

2 1 Local development foundation for Pomurje region  €        185.716,50
11 SIHU192 ECOTOURNET II. ECOTOURNET . Öko- és Rurális Turisztikai Hálózat megalapozása, közös működtetése a térség fenntartható turizmusának fejlesztése érdekében

ECOTOURNET. Utemeljitev, skupno upravljanje Mreže ekološlega in ruralnega turizma z namenom trajnostnega razvoja turizma v tem območju

1 1 DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SINERGIJA LTD.  €        333.166,93
13 SIHU194 Thermal KEX Izmenjava znanja in izkušenj s področja obdelave termalnih voda / Tudás- és tapasztalatcsere a termálvíz kezelés területén 2 1 University of Maribor  €        213.154,50
14 SIHU156 Folk Music Heritage Odkrivanje, obdelava in diseminacija skupne dediščine ljudske glasbe/Közös népzenei örökségünk feltárása, feldolgozása és elterjesztése 2 1 Human Chance Consulting Non-profit Ltd.  €        340.303,05
15 SIHU196 MartinNet Új szlovén-magyar kulturális hálózat kialakítása a Szent Márton örökség fejlesztése érdekében  2 1 Szülőföld Cultural, Sport and Heritage Association  €        312.431,99
16 SIHU197 CLIMAMENTOR II Skupaj za varovanje podnebja!- Varovanje podnebja  je skupen program prilagajanja podnebnim spremembam in Trajnostnega upravljanja porabe energije

A klímavédelem, a klímaváltozáshoz történő alkalmazkodás és a Fenntartható energiagazdálkodás közös programja

2 1 Smart House Martjanci – Institution for research and sustainable development Martjanci  €        196.280,38
17 SIHU199 WeCare Vzpostavitev dnevnega varstva za pomoči potrebne / A napi gondozás feltételeinek a megteremtése a segítségre rászorultak számára 2 1  €        278.736,58
18 SIHU200 Green Line Trajnostno sodelovanje med javnimi institucijami v regiji na področju varstva okolja, energetske učinkovitosti in obnovljivi energiji / Fenntartható együttműködés a régiókban található közintézmények között a természetvédelem, energiahatékonyság és a megújuló energiaforrások terén 2 1 Local energy agency Pomurje  €        348.500,00

New versions of two parts of the Implementation Manual for Beneficiaries published!

New versions of two parts of the Implementation Manual for Beneficiaries were published, namely Part 6 which contains guidelines concerning information and communication (version 2) and Part 7 which contains guidelines on archiving and closure (version 1) were published.

The new or content wise updated versions are available on the programme website in the Implementation Manual for Beneficiaries (Part 6 and Part 7) or in the frame of the Application Pack of the Open Call.


ERDF Subsidy contracts signed

Yesterday, on 7 November 2017, 5 Subsidy contracts for the co-financing with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) were signed in the frame of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary for the programme period 2014-2020. Together with the 6 projects that are already being implemented and the two projects that will sign their contracts afterwards, there are 13 approved projects in the frame of the programme that will, in the period 2014-2020, strengthen the already very successful cross-border cooperation between the two countries. The latter will, also in the future, ensure a large number of successful connections on both sides of the border, and projects that will contribute to improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the common border area. The projects through which cross-border relations are practically made, ultimately contribute to the understanding of diversity, enrich us mentally and conceptually and promote awareness that our neighbourhood is not foreign but part of a common Europe.

The ongoing Open Call with several deadlines for the submission of project applications, in the frame of which the Subsidy contracts were signed today, was published in December 2015. For funds in the amount of a little less than 14,8 million euros ERDF, the beneficiaries from both sides of the border (4 regions are eligible: in Slovenia Pomurska and Podravska; and in Hungary counties Vas and Zala) were able to submit their projects, content wise related to conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage and enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration. The third submission deadline closed in April 2017, the final decision on the approval was adopted by the programme’s Monitoring Committee, consisting of representative of both Member States, in the beginning of July 2017. 7 projects (26 applications were submitted) in the total value of 3 million euros ERDF were approved for co-financing, aiming at long-term effects by using the cross-border potential in the areas of tourism, public services, natural and cultural heritage and sustainable inter-institutional integration. The official signing of the contracts was attended by representatives of five Lead Partners of the approved projects, namely TELE-KA-LAND, MURA RABA TOUR, Horse based tourism – HBT, e-documenta Pannonica and Back in the day.

The forth deadline of the Open Call will close on 14 November 2017. The selection procedures for the projects should be completed in the mid of March 2018, the following. Information about the available funds and the exact date of the deadline will be available on the programme website at least two months prior to the closure of the deadline.

Information on the approved projects is available under the following link.

News by TV AS about the event can be watched here.

News by RTV SLO about the event can be watched here.



deadlineWe would like to inform you that on Tuesday, 14 November 2017 at 12.00 p.m. the 4th deadline for the submission of project applications in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary will expired.


Available funds for the 4th deadline can be seen in the following graph:

In connection with the upcoming expiry of the deadline we encourage you to submit your project application as soon as possible and not to wait until the very last moment.

The Open Call and the application pack are available on the programme’s website.

We wish you a successful submission!