Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

RiskMan is a program developed to extract data from eMS Information system and produce XML file that can be imported to Arachne system. Apart from exporting functionalities it can also edit XML Arachne files. Part of the program is devoted to risk identification and scoring according to EC legislation.

17.6 MiB

Arachne Import/Export tool RiskMan is available on the side.

1Once you open the program, the Main screen appears. If you are using eMS Information system and would like to import data from eMS, then you enter server data, database data, username and password in the fields provided. Next step is to click Connect eMS database. Once the eMS database is connected, the projects that are in the database are shown in the grid. Next step is to click button Prepare Arachne data. It can take a while while your data is prepared in following tab. After the data is prepared, the screen is shown.


Once you open the program, the Main screen appears. If you are using eMS Information system and would like to import data from eMS, then you enter server data, database data, username and password in the fields provided. Next step is to click Connect eMS database. Once the eMS database is connected, the projects that are in the database are shown in the grid in READ ONLY manner. Next step is to click button Prepare Arachne data. It can take a while while your data is prepared in following tab. After the data is prepared, the screen is shown.3You can edit data as you wish, you can also delete the data or insert it. This editing is done in memory tables, so no eMS entries are modified. In the grid there is a navigator on lower left corner where you can insert, delete or modify dataset. Once you are satisfied with the result, you click Export Arachne XML button. 


A dialog appears which prompts you to select a filename for the export. When you click save, the file is created. Bear in mind that export file is Arachne V2 compliant. We are currently in talks with the commission if there shall be v1.34 export made aswell, since V2 is intended for production only and acceptance works on v1.34 datafile structure.

If you would just like to test the functionality of the tool, you can create your file in Arachne preparation tab or Import Arachne XML emport. For this you don’t need the eMS connection at all.

If you have any other feature request you can email us and we will try to implement it, but we can not promise the timeline. The tool is still not bug free so it will get improved when time permits.

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