Presentation of the TELE-KA-LAND project at the Utazás – Travel 2019 fair
From February 21-24, an international tourism fair Utazás 2019 – Travel was held at the Hungexpo Exhibition Center in Budapest.
From February 21-24, an international tourism fair Utazás 2019 – Travel was held at the Hungexpo Exhibition Center in Budapest.
Every year, in 2019 already for the 12th time, the European Commission awards those EU-funded projects, which demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development. With the goal of inspiring other regions and project managers across Europe, participating projects are in the spotlight of communication activities at European level.
The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) has just opened a new call for proposals open until 15th March, addressing public authorities and cross-border structures of border regions in the EU and EFTA countries.
The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has published a public procurement for the selection of an external provider for the evaluation of the impact of the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program Slovenia – Hungary 2014-2020.
Every second week, premiering on Saturdays, you are awaiting the new show Mura Raba tour in the TV AS in produced the frame of the project Mura Raba tour.
The 6th deadline for the submission of project proposals in the frame of the programme will close on 18 June 2019 at 12:00 (noon).
The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy in its role as the Managing Authority (MA) and Joint Secretariats (JS) for the Cooperation Programmes Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria, Slovenia-Hungary and Slovenia-Croatia delivered a presentation of the new version of the electronic Monitoring System to the representatives of the Group of Auditors (GoA).
Three cultural heritage projects co-financed by the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary are cited in the e-publication presenting altogether 35 cross-border (V-A and IPA), 27 transnational (V-B) and 8 interregional (V-C) European cultural heritage projects.
On Friday, 13 April 2018, the Back in the Day project partnership met in the Castle of Rakičan to discuss the state of cultural heritage in the border area and the possibilities of its preservation in the form of an outdoor museum. Further stakeholders of the culture and tourism sector, experts, the general public ans media representatives also participated in the event.
HORSE BASED TOURISM – HBT opening event accompanied with a media conference which happened on 19th of April in RIS Dvorec Rakičan, has hosted representatives of interested parties (touristic organizations & companies, equestrian organizations), which will at some point complement the project with their contribution.
Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development
Interreg and financial mechanisms Office
Cross-border Cooperation Management division
Joint Secretariat
Trubarjeva 11
SI-2000 Maribor
Phone.: +386 (0)1 400 31 62