Ethical tourism is a form of tourism development, which enables the economic and social development, while protecting the environment. Therefore, ethical tourism includes environmental, economic and social aspects. It fulfils the needs of present generations, without threatening the existence of the future ones. It is an opportunity for reinforcing the local economy, providing new jobs, including individuals from different target groups and it is a way to gradually decrease the development gap of borderlands. It is a form of tourism, which ensures that the financial impacts which was invested in tourism, remain in the region, which was visited by the tourists. This is exactly opposite as in the case of capital tourism, where the profit goes to the investor and all external costs stay in the local area. Ethical tourism tries to reverse this situation: tourists would get proper products and services for their financial input and will also be aware that this money would help the local population. With the help of this project, we will create or renovate and furnish several tourist facilities that are designed for (ethically) aware tourists – cyclists, hikers, as well as groups of children, personal growth groups etc. Different vulnerable target groups will be included in the development of these capacities, people will learn new skills, what will enable them to more job opportunities. This project was designed to include and connect different ethical and socially responsible local providers from both sides of the border, in order to make them appear on the market together. The region and a certain destination will be promoted in those places, where we think conscious tourists are. With this project, we are trying to go outside of tourist centres, create new tourist destinations in more or less underdeveloped places and provide the users with products and services, which create new jobs and enable the local community to have a decent life. 

  • Priority axis 1

    Investment priority 6c

    SO 1: To increase attractiveness through the diversification and cross-border integration of the sustainable touristic offer in the programme area, based on the protection of the elements of cultural and natural heritage

  • Project duration

    01.07.2018 – 31.12.2021

  • Comitted ERDF co-financing

    923.268,64 EUR

  • Project partners
    • Szlovén Vidék Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft (Lead Partner)
    • Zavod Marianum Veržej – Center Duo
    • Szakonyfalu Község Önkormányzata
    • Makrobios Panonija so.p., Permakulturni center za boljšo kvaliteto življenja in za pot k samozadostnosti, Lucova
    • Együtt Sikeres Nováért Egyesület
    • Zavod za socialni razvoj Murska Sobota, so.p.
    • A Nap Harmata Közhasznú Alapítvány