
There are a lot of potentialities in the development area of GardEN project, the tourism magnet area between Moravske T. and Lenti which could be developed into a product creating an offer according to the current slow tourism trends.Currently the tourism potential hiding in these tiny wonders are not utilized, the two attractive towns have not developed a tight cooperation yet, by which they could appear on the market with a more attractive offer and assure sustainable tourism development, increase of the number of visitors. The aim of the project is increasing the attractive force of the rural area between Moravske T. and Lenti by cross-border integration of the sustainable tourism offer focusing on the protection of the cultural and natural heritage by developing products and services of the less developed rural areas connecting to the tourism magnets, creating innovative tourism program packages. As result of the implemented activities we develope the area based on the tiny wonders, flowers and gardens, energies as local potentialities. In garden topic we elaborate 5 products (fragrant/healing elder,healing buckwheat,snow-flake,enchanted garden,orchid) and a product package based on them. 2-2 events will be implemented to introduce the 5 products and the package, 5 leaflets including advices, recipes will be produced.Concerning the energy topic an energy thematic path will be established and a cycle path connecting the points .The joint product development and strengthening the cooperation, supporting its sustainability will be helped by networking of service providers, involving the stakeholders actively in the implementation and practical demonstrations, preparing methodology materials.The territorial novelty is the cooperation between the two settlements,as for the content it is the holistic, life-style focused approach of development based on the potentialities of the area completed with a programme that has not been developed up till now.

  • Priority axis 1

    Investment priority 6c

    SO 1: To increase attractiveness through the diversification and cross-border integration of the sustainable touristic offer in the programme area, based on the protection of the elements of cultural and natural heritage

  • Project duration

    01.01.2018 – 31.12.2020

  • Comitted ERDF co-financing

    470.305,00 EUR

  • Project partners
    • Lenti Város Önkormányzata (Lead Partner)
    • Gyógyhelyünk Lenti Egészségturisztikai Közalapítvány
    • TIC Moravske Toplice
    • Občina Moravske Toplice