Right Profession II

The cross-border area is facing with many common challenges and our project will be solving the challenge of improving co-operation between institutions to enable better addressing labour market challenges in terms of better coordination between the supply of occupations and demand in the labour market. The specific objective of the project is to contribute to diminish of human resources imbalances and to the improvement of staff needs in cross-border area, by increasing the mutual cooperation between the educational institutions in the cross-border area. On both sides of the border, we have a different situation regarding the awareness of the need to solve human resources imbalances. We have different approaches of regulating this issue–in Hungary they are solving these issues systematically on legal basis, on Slovenian side individual institutions in the region are trying to mitigate the issue. The fact that both countries are regarding these issues on two different levels, all the conditions are made for the transfer of cross-border experiences and knowledge. With project we want to influence on local stakeholders and authorities who can contribute to solve this issue. On other hand, we want to increase the ability of cross-border cooperation and learning of professional staff at educational institutions. There are planned activities for active participation of the stakeholders: exchange of experiences, good practices, conferences and round tables, that will set up good foundations for cross-border dialogue and added value to solve common challenges. The specific aims of the cross-border program defines the area to become an attractive for living, working, investments, entrepreneurship through a better exploitation of the existing natural and cultural values in tourism. Project contributes to better regulation of staff needs in regions and thereby to increase opportunities for investments, which are conditions for new jobs, living and working in common region.

For further information on implemented project activities (in Slovene and Hungarian language) click on the following links:

·         Camp for apprentices
·         Project-introduction at regional event in Szombathely
·         Train the trainer in educational centres
·         Training on CV-writing and job-seeking
·         Best-practice visits for trainers
·         Best-practice visits for trainers II
·         Project-introduction at regional event in Zalaegerszeg
·         Ability-assessment for career guidance
·         Special career-guidance consultation
·         Introduction of successful enterprises on the web
·         Enterprise-visits
·         Self-knowledge games
·         Methodological preparations
·         Problem-solving competition
·         Training on CV-writing and job-seeking II
·         Enterprise-visits for elementary school staff
·         International problem-solving competition
·         Introduction of enterprises in vocational schools
·         Closing conference


  • Priority axis 2

    Investment priority 11bSO 2: To increase the capacity for cooperation in order to reach a higher level of maturity in cross-border relations

  • Project duration

    01.02.2017 – 31.07.2019

  • Comitted ERDF co-financing

    332.722,86 EUR

  • Project partners
    • Pomurska gospodarska zbornica (Lead Partner)
    • Zala Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
    • Zalaegerszegi Szakképzési Centrum
    • Razvojni center Murska Sobota
    • Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Murska Sobota
    • Center Idej, Zavod za promocijo in pospeševanje novih idej in vizij razvoja Ljutomer
    • Vas Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
    • Center Republike Slovenije za poklicno izobraževanje