Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

For the purpose of testing, we created a test instance of eMS in XAMPP which you can use on stand alone machine. This instance is based upon the instalation of eMS on the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary programme and is intended to be used for test purposes by programme partners.

In the test instance there is a Super-Super User created, which can do almost all functions of various different functionalities in eMS. Through this user also the presentation of eMS, which was held in Maribor on 17th of November 2016, was conducted, so people that attended the workshop could be able to recreate the functionalities and examples that were shown.
This Super-Super User username is: test and its password is: testtest

As there are projects in various states, we recommend that you use the project IWTERM for your testing purpose of a bit advanced project that is also in reporting stage or if you want to go from the beginning of the project application, we recommend to use ODDO project.

If you would still like to modify the configurations, you are allowed to do so, but you will have to have a bit of IT knowledge to set XAMPP correctly. The passwords that are used for MySQL database are:

Username: root
Password: emsdev

or Username: admin
Password: emsdev

With this credentials you can access the database directly if you would like to see what gets changed with the clicks you do in the GUI.

Installation process for the instance is pretty straightforward, so you just have to unpack all the content of the ZIP file to folder C:\XAMPP. After you have done this, just run xampp-control.exe and start services one after another – 1st Apache, 2nd MySQL and 3rd Tomcat. When those services are run, just open the browser and type in the web page http://localhost:8080/ems
A bit more information about XAMPP you can find also on post where we explained how to use XAMPP here.

The eMS environment shall open and you can log in with Super user account as stated above.

The test instance you can find HERE.

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