Cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

Cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary


Save the date and take part in our event in the frame of the European Cooperation Day 2017 which will take place on Saturday, 23 September 2017 in Slovenia.

Approved projects in the frame of the 3rd deadline for submission of project applications

In the frame of the 5th meeting of the Monitoring Committee (MC), which took place on 5 and 6 July 2017 in Moravske Toplice, Slovenia, the members of the MC approved projects that were submitted within the 3rd deadline for the submission of project proposals. Approved projects are part of the mosaic of successful integration of the common border area, whereby partners on both sides of the border successfully cooperate, thereby preserving and promoting the rich natural and cultural heritage of the border area.

In the frame of the 3rd deadline of the Open Call, 26 project applications were submitted. At the meeting the members of the MC discussed the project applications which were administratively compliant and eligible assessed for quality. At the meeting, 7 project proposals were approved, further 4 project proposals were postponed and 7 project proposals were rejected.

The ERDF Subsidy contracts are foreseen to be signed with the Lead Partners of the approved projects in September 2017.

Within the Priority axis 1, 4 projects in the total value of 2.331.197,67 EUR ERDF were approved, namely:

  • GardEN

Within the Priority axis 2, 3 project in the total value of 738.107,86 EUR ERDF were approved, namely:

  • e-documenta Pannonica
  • Back in the day

Within the first, second and third deadline of the Open Call, funds in the amount of approx. 9,7 million EUR ERDF, about 73% of all available programme funds will be contracted.

Decisions of the Monitoring Committee can be found here.


On Thursday, June 22, 2017, a workshop for reporting and for potential applicants was carried out in the frame of the Programme in Rakičan.

During the workshop participants were presented how to prepare a quality project and the most common mistakes that occurred in the preparation of projects so far received. Also, the preparation of the project through the reporting aspect was presented via the eMS system.

In the afternoon workshop, round tables were held on three different themes: Pre-conditionality, target orientation and sustainability; Quality of projects in terms of the Interreg V-A SI-HU Cooperation Programme and assessment of the implementation of CP Interreg V-A SI-HU. Participants of the workshop participated in the discussions with great interest, and the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat received a lot of useful information.

After the official part of the workshop was finished, a picnic was followed, where the participants were able to communicate informally, thus establishing contacts and exchanging experiences.

For more information on the reporting workshop, click here.

Registration for the workshop for reporting and for applicants

We would like to inform you, that the registration for the workshop for reporting on programme Interreg SI-HU applicants in the frame of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary in the period 2014-2020, which will take place on 22nd June 2017 in Rakičan (Slovenia), is now possible.

To register, fill out the registration form for the workshop under this link: REGISTRATION.

The workshop is intended for potential applicants in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary 2014-2020 and for the project partners of the approved projects. It will be carried out in such a way (simultaneous translations will be provided) that participants from both countries may participate at the workshop.

The number of places on the workshops is limited.


International training on the use of the eMS information system for the representatives of the audit authority and audit bodies from Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia

Ljubljana, 31 May 2017 – The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy in its role as the Managing Authority (MA) and Joint Secretariats (JS) for the Cooperation Programmes Interreg V-A Slovenia-Austria, Slovenia-Hungary and Slovenia-Croatia delivered a training for the representatives of the Group of Auditors on the use of the electronic Monitoring System (eMS).

Representatives of audit bodies from Austria, Hungary, Croatia and the audit authority from Slovenia attended the workshop, where they got to know the system in more detail. More specifically, the registration in the eMS, the communication module, the composition of the application form, the assessment of the applications, the reporting process in the system, the module of the first level control, the project progress reports, etc. were presented. The focus was on the presentation of the module for the Certifying Authority and the module for audits and financial corrections. The acquired knowledge was consolidated by solving 38 tasks that were prepared by representatives of the MA and JS. The training will certainly contribute to a qualitative and faster implementation of project and system audits.

26 project applications submitted in the third deadline for the submission of projects

On Thuesday, 11th April 2017 at 12:00 the third deadline for the submission of project applications in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary in the period 2014-2020 ended.

Until the closure of the deadline, 26 project applications were submitted. Below you can find the table of all received applications with requested amounts.

The next deadline for the submission of project applications is foreseen at the end of year 2017. The date of the forth deadline for the submission of projects will be published on the programme website at least two months before the end of the deadline.

Order Project ID Acronym Name of the project Priority Axis Specific Objective Lead Partner ERDF amount requested (in EUR)
1 SIHU138 Pannon Feeling Tematikus turisztikai attrakciófejlesztés a vidék természeti és kulturális értékeit megtestesítő “Pannon életérzés” mentén / Razvoj tematskih turističnih atrakcij naravnih in kulturnih vrednot v „Panonskem doživetju” 1 1 PARBEN-TOUR Nonprofit Ltd.  €      1.378.800,24
2 SIHU142 E-CONOMY Intézményi összefogás a határtérség gazdasági fejlődéséért webes háttértámogatás kifejlesztése mellett / Institucionalno sodelovanje pri razvoju spletne platforme za gospodarski razvoj obmejnega območja 2 1 Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Zala County  €         169.954,49
3 SIHU122 ETHOS LAND Vzpostavitev mreže družbeno odgovornih turističnih ponudnikov / Társadalmilag felelős idegenforgalmi szolgáltatók hálózatának létrehozása 1 1 Municipality Moravske Toplice  €      1.387.931,52
4 SIHU96 MURA RABA TOUR Kreiranje in plasiranje novega čezmejnega produkta aktivnega turizma kot integralnega dela sodobne turistične ponudbe med Muro in Rabo. / Az aktív turizmus új határon átnyúló termékének létrehozása és kihelyezése a Mura és a Rába közötti modern turizmus integrált részeként. 1 1 HI-FI Videostudio LLC  €         674.566,80
5 SIHU123 e-documenta Pannonica Interdisciplinarna baza podatkov o kulturni dediščini območja za povečanje atraktivnosti krajev / Interdiszciplináris adatbázis a térség kulturális örökségéről a települések vonzerejének növeléséhez  2 1 Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota   €         349.745,84
6 SIHU11 TELE-KA-LAND/TELE-KA-LAND Obmejna doživetja, brezmejne pustolovščine/Határ menti élmények, határtalan kalandok. 1 1 Local government of Nagyrécse  €         399.315,12
7 SIHU102 IMAGINE Izboljšanje institucionalnega sodelovanja s spodbujanjem energetske in klimatske pismenosti / Intézményi együttműködés növelése az energia- és klímaismeretek erősítésével // Improving institutional cooperation through fostering energy and climate literacy 2 1 University of Maribor  €         190.983,98
9 SIHU144 Rhapsody in Green Zöld Rapszódia – fenntartható turisztikai szolgáltatás- és attrakció fejlesztés az Őrség és Muravidék találkozásánál fekvő szlovén-magyar határtérségben, a helyi lakosság aktív részvételével, a térség természeti és kulturális örökségének védelmére. 1 1 Ori Foundation  €         502.402,70
10 SIHU145 HORSE BASED TOURISM – HBT Svet konj – nova dimenzija trajnostnega razvoja za pristno doživljanje naravnih in kulturnih biserov čezmejne regije / Lovak világa – a fenntartható fejlődés új dimenziója a természeti és kulturális gyöngyszemek határokon átívelő minőségi élményéért 1 1 Zavod nazaj na konja, Zavod za razvoj, raziskave in izobraževanje v konjeništvu in na področju aktivnosti in terapije s pomočjo konja  €         695.848,25
11 SIHU146 Szőlőhegyi Piknik Szőlőhegyi Piknik/Piknik v vinogradu  1 1 Zala Wineroute Association  €         368.801,15
12 SIHU149 Back in the day Krepitev institucionalnega sodelovanja na področju muzejev na prostem in ohranjanja kulturne dediščine /Az intézményi együttműködés erősítése a szabadtéri múzeumok és kulturális örökségek védelmének területén 2 1 Research and Educational Centre Mansion Rakičan  €         218.407,50
13 SIHU152 VARNO SKUPAJ Čezmejno sodelovanje na področju zaščite in reševanja ter priprava skupnega programa usposabljanja/

Határon átnyúló katasztrófavédelmi együttműködés és a közös felkészítési program kidolgozása  

2 1 Municipality Murska Sobota  €         274.512,34
14 SIHU153 SocialNetwork Közösségi háló a veszélyhelyzetbe került hátrányos helyzetű személyek védelméért / Socialna mreža za zaščito in reševanje pripadnikov ranljivih skupin v primeru izrednih razmer 2 1 Municipality of Lenti  €         282.618,02
15 SIHU156 Folk Music Heritage Odkrivanje, obdelava in diseminacija skupne dediščine ljudske glasbe/Közös népzenei örökségünk feltárása, feldolgozása és elterjesztése 2 1 Human Chance Consulting Non-profit Ltd.  €         340.303,05
16 SIHU157 ECOTOURNET ECOTOURNET . Öko- és Rurális Turisztikai Hálózat megalapozása, közös működtetése a térség fenntartható turizmusának fejlesztése érdekében

ECOTOURNET. Utemeljitev, skupno upravljanje Mreže ekološlega in ruralnega turizma z namenom trajnostnega razvoja turizma v tem območju

1 1 DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SINERGIJA LTD.  €         333.166,93
17 SIHU160 Muracle Közös kerékpáros fesztivál és desztinációs hálózat mint turisztikai termék kialakítása a SI-HU határvidéken a turisztikai mágnesesség erősítése érdekében

Skupni kolesarski festival in destinacijske mreže v regiji Murafölde za krepitev turistične magnetnosti

1 1 Municipality of Nagykanizsa  €         666.290,35
18 SIHU163 GardEN Vzpostavitev čezmejne turistične mreže , regije drobnih čudežev, z razvijanjem ponudbe zunaj turističnih središč /

Határon átnyúló idegenforgalmi hálózat, apró csodák régiójának kialakítása a turisztikai központokon kívüli kínálat fejlesztésével

1 1 Local Government of Lenti  €         561.467,50
19 SIHU164 LEN2 Vzpostavitev prekomejne turistične destinacije Lendava – Lenti / A Lendva-Lenti határon átnyúló idegenforgalmi desztináció megvalósítása 1 1 Municipality of Lendava  €         672.901,64
20 SIHU165 INSTITUTIO+ Čezmejno sodelovanje za skupni razvoj lokalnega območja / Határon átnyúló együttműködés a területek közös fejlesztése érdekében 2 1 Municipality of Kuzma  €         347.938,52
21 SIHU166 Thermal KEX Thermal based Knowledge EXchange 2 1 University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering  €         231.421,00
22 SIHU168 HOUSES »Poti podeželskih hiš« – Dediščina je naša prihodnost-razvoj turizma na slovensko-madžarskem obmejnem območju na temelju vrednot / “Tájházak útja” – Örökségünk a jövőnk – értékekre alapozott turizmusfejlesztés a szlovén-magyar határrégióban  1 1 Pannon Local Product Nonprofit Ltd.  €         333.918,65
23 SIHU170 NeMeSzoV Nemzetközi mentorhálózat a szociális vállalkozásokért – Mednarodna mentorska mreža za socialna podjetništva 2 1 Local development foundation for Pomurje region  €         185.716,50
24 SIHU171 feelMONARCHy Pod isto zastavo v času Avstro – Ogrske monarhije / Egy zászló alatt az Osztrák – Magyar Monarchiában 1 1  €         648.754,00
25 SIHU173 CLIMAMENTOR Skupaj za varovanje podnebja!- Varovanje podnebja  je skupen program prilagajanja podnebnim spremembam in Trajnostnega upravljanja porabe energije

A klímavédelem, a klímaváltozáshoz történő alkalmazkodás és a Fenntartható energiagazdálkodás közös programja

2 1 Smart House Martjanci – Institution for research and sustainable development Martjanci  €         189.641,46
26 SIHU174 2EXRED Exchange of Experience in Regional Development 2 1 PANNON European Grouping Of Territorial Cooperation Ltd.   €            56.850,33

REMINDER – Announcement of the workshop for applicants

REMINDER - The first workshop for applicants in the frame of the Open call for Project Proposals for standard projects in the Interreg programme Slovenia-Hungary for period 2021-2027 will take place on 5 April 2023.

Announcement of the workshop for applicants

The first workshop for applicants in the frame of the Open call for Project Proposals for standard projects in the Interreg programme Slovenia-Hungary for period 2021-2027 will take place on 5 April 2023.

Publication of the Open Call for Proposals

On Friday, 3 March 2023, the Open Call for Standard Projects was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia and on the programme website of the cross-border cooperation programme Interreg Slovenia-Hungary for the period 2021-2027.

Here again – We have brought cultural heritage closer to pupils thanks to „EU in my school” initiative

A successful series of events have taken place in the framework of the "EU in my school" in the cooperation of the Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota and bilingual schools in Števanovci and Gornji Senik in Hungary.

Announcement of the Open Call for Proposals

On 3 March 2023 the Open Call for Proposals for standard projects in the frame of the Interreg Programme Slovenia-Hungary 2021-2027 will be published

Happy holidays!

The Managing Authority and Joint Secretariat are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!

Interreg Programme Slovenia – Hungary adopted

The European Commission has approved the Interreg VI-A Slovenia-Hungary programme for period 2021–2027 with the Commission decision as of 14 November 2022.

We have brought cultural heritage closer to pupils thanks to „EU in my school” initiative

A successful series of events have taken place in the framework of the "EU in my school" in the cooperation of the Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota and the France Prešeren Primary School in Črenšovci.

Successful in Project SLAM 2022 competition!

Brussels, October 27, 2022. The Right Profession project together with the Interreg Slovenia-Hungary program is celebrating an important achievement. As part of the Project Slam 2022 competition, it received a special award from the European Commission with a very impressive stage performance.

  © Copyright - Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary