Cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

Cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary

Workshop for applicants in the frame of the second deadline for the submission of project proposals

Within the 2nd deadline for the submission of project proposals in the Open Call of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary in the period 2014-2020 intended for potential applicants in the frame of the Open Call was carried out.

First project approved

Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary approved project with acronym GREEN EXERCISE in the frame of the 1st deadline for submission of the project applications. ERDF co-financing of around 880.000 EUR will be transferred to project partnership in the coming years.

In its meeting in Keszthely, Hungary on 25 and 26 May 2016, the programme monitoring committee selected 1 project proposal for funding. In total 46 applications were submitted in the frame of the first deadline for submission of the project applications. 11 of out them were then assessed regarding quality. The successful project partnership will be contracted and will soon start their activities addressing development of tourist products to increase the visibility of the cultural and natural heritage in crossborder area.

Decisions of the Monitoring Committee can be found here.


At this point, we thank you for the replies to the questionnaire and given opinion on satisfaction with the procedure for the submission of your applications. At the same time we would kindly like to ask you to take the time to fill out new questionnaire concerning our program, because with your help we can make this program even better. In advance, thank you. The questionnaire is available here.

Registration for the workshop for applicants

We would like to inform you, that the registration for the workshops for applicants in the frame of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary in the period 2014-2020, which will take place on 14 June 2016 in Moravske Toplice (Slovenia), is now possible.

Read more

eMS notification

th[3]We would like to notify you that on Friday 3 June 2016 the upgrade of the eMS system will be performed. For this reason the acces to eMS might be interrupted.

After the upgrade only the summary of the Application will be in English, all other fields in English will be removed.

Thank you for undestanding!

11 out of 46 project applications received within the first deadline for submission are administratively eligible

graf2enOn Friday, 12 February 2016, the first deadline for the submission of project applications in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals ended. Until the closure of the deadline, 46 project applications were submitted. The result of the administrative check, which was performed and finished are 11 projects that comply with the administrative and eligibility criteria. These 11 projects are now subject of the quality assessment.

Since the projects which did not pass the administrative and eligibility check have the possibility to submit the revised application again, we would like to inform you that the next deadline for the submission of project applications is 25 July 2016.

In the attachment you can find collected most common mistakes that have been discovered during the administrative and eligibility check of received project applications.


46 project applications submitted in the first deadline for the submission of projects

Resume-Successfully-Submitted[1]On Friday, 12 February 2016 the first deadline for the submission of project applications in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary in the period 2014-2020 ended.

Until the closure of the deadline, 46 project applications were submitted. Below you can find the table of all received applications with requested amounts.

The next deadline for the submission of project applications is foreseen in August. The date of the second deadline for the submission of projects will be published on the programme website at least two months before the end of the deadline.

And because we believe that your opinion counts please be so kind and fill in the short questionary on your satisfaction with submission process. We thank you in advance. HERE

Order Project ID Acronym Name of the project Lead Partner Priority Axis Specific Objective ERDF amount requested (in EUR)
1 SIHU4 FEEL COUNTRY Razvoj trajnostnega agro turizma v Sloveniji in na Madžarskem / A fenntartható agroturizmus fejlesztése Szlovéniában és Magyarországon IAS – Institute for advanced technologies and sustainable development Murska Sobota 1 1  €                          618.085,88
2 SIHU7 VARNO SKUPAJ Čezmejno sodelovanje na področju zaščite in reševanja ter priprav


a skupnega programa usposabljanja /

Határon átnyúló katasztrófavédelmi együttműködés és a közös felkészítési program kidolgozása

Municipality Murska Sobota 2 1  €                          274.512,38
3 SIHU15 MobiLearn Razvoj programov za dvig senzibilnosti in kapacitet javnih institucij za izvajanje ukrepov trajnostne mobilnosti / Tréningprogramok kidolgozása közintézmények fenntartható közlekedés iránti érzékenyítése és kapacitásnövelés céljából Development agency Sinergija 2 1  €                          344.478,25
4 SIHU18 Green Exercise Aktív turisztikai termékek fejlesztése a szlovén-magyar határtérség kulturális és természeti öröksége ismertségének növelése érdekében/Razvoj turističnih produktov za povečanje prepoznavnosti kulturne in naravne dediščine ob slovensko-madžarski meji Őrség National Park Directorate 1 1  €                          882.321,31
5 SIHU20 ETHOS TOUR Etični turizem / Etikus turizmus Municipality Moravske Toplice 1 1  €                      1.149.672,50
6 SIHU21 Gastronomija Doživetje panonske gastronomije II/ Pannon gasztronómiai élmények II Association for the Promotion and Protection of Prekmurje Specialities 1 1  €                          740.440,06
7 SIHU24 Building on tradition Múltunk a jövőnk biztosítéka – Preteklost je zagotovilo naše prihodnosti Slovenian Provinces Public Benefit Non-profit Ltd. 1 1  €                          846.690,94
8 SIHU27 AGEING SOCIETY Az elöregedő társadalom kihívásai a magyar-szlovén határtérségben/Izzivi starajoče se družbe v madžarsko-slovenskem mejnem prostoru Government Office of Zala County 2 1  €                          131.605,14
9 SIHU29 ENERGYMAN Vzpostavitev skupne informacijske platforme za energetsko upravljanje v lokalnih skupnostih, priprava akcijskih načrtov za varčno rabo in obnovljive vire energije ter priprava ogljičnih odtisov občin in nekaterih turističnih objektov Energy agency of Podravje – institution for sustainable energy use 2 1  €                          324.413,41
10 SIHU31 Pannonia AMBER ROUTE Skozi  trgovsko povezavo Jantarjeve poti – ohranjanje skupne rimske kulturne  identitete / A közös római múlt öröksége a Borostyánkő út mentén Scientific Reserch Centre Bistra Ptuj 1 1  €                          630.395,88
11 SIHU32 Route2WINE Richness of winehills /Bogastvo vinskih gričev/Szőlőhegyek gazdagsága. Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj 1 1  €                          844.158,13
13 SIHU35 GO IN NATURE Gradnja in Obnova turistične Infrastrukture v zavarovanih območjih Narave – NATURE

A turisztikai infrastruktúra építése és felújítása a NATURA védett természeti területein

Municipality Murska Sobota 1 1  €                      1.009.978,69
14 SIHU39 TRACK Tradition, Culture/Craft, Kindness Municipality Veržej 1 1  €                          640.876,19
15 SIHU40 Lend(a)va-Galambok Tours Egészség és kultúra helyben, mindenkinek! – Zdravje in kultura lokalno, vsakomur! Ros Solis Foundation 1 1  €                          348.436,50
16 SIHU41 Pannon Pleasure II Pannon Pleasure II Municipality of Lendava 1 1  €                          957.285,31
17 SIHU43 Turisztikai integráció Mura Régió kulturális örökség védelme és a turisztikai kínálat integrációja

Varstvo kulturne dediščine Regije Mura in integracija turistične ponudbe

/Turistično povezovanje

Muramenti Nemzetiségi Területfejlesztési Társulás 1 1  €                          460.736,56
18 SIHU44 ReCooP Capacity Building in the SI-HU border region Self Government Office of Vas County 2 1  €                          348.115,97
19 SIHU45 SI HIŠA – HU HÁZ Kapitalizacija prenovljenih hiš v čezmejnem območju z uporabo inovativnega geomatičnega orodja za promoviranje novih turističnih produktov/ Development agency Sinergija 1 1  €                          568.638,06
20 SIHU46 InterMAG Iterpretational Tourism Magnets Maribor Development Agency 1 1  €                      1.167.068,38
21 SIHU48 CBT A cross-border tale / Čezmejna pripovedka / Határon átnyúló elbeszélés Maribor Development Agency 2 1  €                          274.628,34
22 SIHU49 SAINT GEORGE Az ember, a ló és a természet kapcsolata a lovas turizmus által MASH European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation 1 1  €                          207.604,69
23 SIHU50 FOLLOW Povečanje usposobljenosti občinskih uprav za delo z družbenimi omrežji in s tem povečanje informiranosti in sodelovanja s strani občanov / Helyi önkormányzatok kompetncia növelése a szociális hálózatok kezelésében Energy agency of Podravje – institution for sustainable energy use 2 1  €                          263.339,31
24 SIHU51 RURAL KNOWLEDGE NETWORK Z novimi znanji do inovativnih čezmejnih turističnih produktov in večje prepoznavnosti
Új tudással innovatív határon átnyúló turisztikai termékek és nagyobb felismerés írányában
Association for Sustainable Rural Development Žitek 1 1  €                          338.092,44
25 SIHU52 Natur-Kul Natur-Kul – Naravna in kulturna dediščina kot neizkoriščen potencial v turizmu

Natur-Kul – Természeti és kulturális örökségünk, mint kiaknázatlan turisztikai lehetőség

Smart House Martjanci –  Institution for research and sustainable development Martjanci 1 1  €                          442.680,00
26 SIHU53 HeToDe Health Tourism Development Academy University of Pannonia 1 1  €                          171.587,97
27 SIHU54 Right Profession II Pravi poklic za razvoj regije / Megfelelő szakmát a régió fejlődéséért Pomurje Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2 1  €                          348.737,25
28 SIHU55 SocioHealth Egészséges válasz a szociális kihívásokra / Zdrav odgovor na socialne izzive Zala County Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. 2 1  €                          264.207,44
29 SIHU56 e-documenta Pannonica Interdisciplinarna baza podatkov o kulturni dediščini območja za povečanje atraktivnosti krajev

Interdiszciplináris adatbázis a térség kulturális örökségéről a települések vonzerejének növeléséhez

Pomurje museum Murska Sobota 1 1  €                          364.550,97
30 SIHU57 IronCurtainCycling Közös kerékpáros turisztikai desztináció létrehozása a Vasfüggöny által kettészakított határtérség integrációjára, a rurális területek bevonásával a zöld turizmusba Local Government of Zala County 1 1  €                      1.999.977,75
31 SIHU58 ODDO Od knjige do doma / Könyvtől az otthonig Parish Odranci 1 1  €                            91.315,71


RADIO MURSKI VAL, radio company, Ltd. 1 1  €                          409.726,09
33 SIHU62 GREENLOC TURIZEM V TRENDU ZELENE PRIHODNOSTI / TURIZMUS A ZÖLD JÖVŐ TRENDJÉBEN Local development foundation for Pomurje region 1 1  €                          439.658,38
35 SIHU64 GastroFuture A jövő gasztronómiája az oktatás segítségével/Gastronomija prihodnosti s pomočjo izobraževanja Zala County Foundation for Enterprise Promotion 1 1  €                          311.084,34
36 SIHU65 Greenfoot Greenfoot –  Hiánypótló túraútvonal kialakítása Zalaegerszeg és Muraszombat között innovatív elemekre és minőségi szolgáltatásokra építve Municipality of Zalaegerszeg City of County Rank 1 1  €                          592.654,13
37 SIHU66 LIVE GREEN TOURISM Povezovanje zelene turistične ponudbe z vpeljevanjem novih možnosti nastanitev / A zöld turisztikai kínálat összekapcsolása új szálláshelyi kapacitások bevezetésével. Slovene Chamber of agriculture and forestry – Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Murska Sobota 1 1  €                          461.138,59
38 SIHU69 IMAGINE Izboljšanje institucionalnega sodelovanja s spodbujanjem energetske in klimatske pismenosti / Intézményi együttműködés növelése az energia- és klímaismeretek erősítésével // Improving institutional cooperation through fostering energy and climate literacy University of Maribor 2 1  €                          157.573,23
39 SIHU67 R-CELL Regional Center for Lifelong learning Adult education center Lendava 2 1  €                          173.901,80
40 SIHU71 ReCharge Na novo napolnjene obmejne e-mobilne regije / Határmenti E-Mobil régiók újratöltve Zala County Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. 2 1  €                          341.197,88
41 SIHU72 EAT & DRINK LOCAL Spodbujanje trajnostnega čezmejnega sodelovanja na področju uporabe lokalne hrane / A fenntartható, határokon átnyúló együttműködés ösztönzése a helyi élelmiszer használata területén The Research and Educational Centre Mansion Rakičan 2 1  €                          346.962,94
42 SIHU74 GUSTO Gasztronómia-turizmus: a Várostól a Vidékig

Kulinarika v mestnem in podeželskem turizmu

Znanstveno-raziskovalno združenje za umetnost, kulturne in izobraževalne programe in tehnologijo EPEKA, socialno podjetje 1 1  €                          324.785,00
43 SIHU76 CHERISH CASTLES – SUSTAINABLE HERITAGE Foundation for Events, Traditions and Culture of Egervár 2 1  €                          211.295,55
44 SIHU77 MURARABA.EU Kreiranje in plasiranje novega turističnega produkta kot integralnega dela sodobne turistične ponudbe naravne in kulturne dediščine med Muro in Rabo HI-FI Videostudio d.o.o. 1 1  €                          712.545,63
45 SIHU78 ODDO Od knjige do doma /A »Könyvtől az otthonig« Parish Odranci 1 1  €                            91.315,71
46 SIHU81 ETHOS TOUR Etični turizem / Etikus turizmus Municipality Moravske Toplice 1 1  €                      1.149.672,50

REMINDER – Announcement of the workshop for applicants

REMINDER - The first workshop for applicants in the frame of the Open call for Project Proposals for standard projects in the Interreg programme Slovenia-Hungary for period 2021-2027 will take place on 5 April 2023.

Announcement of the workshop for applicants

The first workshop for applicants in the frame of the Open call for Project Proposals for standard projects in the Interreg programme Slovenia-Hungary for period 2021-2027 will take place on 5 April 2023.

Publication of the Open Call for Proposals

On Friday, 3 March 2023, the Open Call for Standard Projects was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia and on the programme website of the cross-border cooperation programme Interreg Slovenia-Hungary for the period 2021-2027.

Here again – We have brought cultural heritage closer to pupils thanks to „EU in my school” initiative

A successful series of events have taken place in the framework of the "EU in my school" in the cooperation of the Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota and bilingual schools in Števanovci and Gornji Senik in Hungary.

Announcement of the Open Call for Proposals

On 3 March 2023 the Open Call for Proposals for standard projects in the frame of the Interreg Programme Slovenia-Hungary 2021-2027 will be published

Happy holidays!

The Managing Authority and Joint Secretariat are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023!

Interreg Programme Slovenia – Hungary adopted

The European Commission has approved the Interreg VI-A Slovenia-Hungary programme for period 2021–2027 with the Commission decision as of 14 November 2022.

We have brought cultural heritage closer to pupils thanks to „EU in my school” initiative

A successful series of events have taken place in the framework of the "EU in my school" in the cooperation of the Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota and the France Prešeren Primary School in Črenšovci.

Successful in Project SLAM 2022 competition!

Brussels, October 27, 2022. The Right Profession project together with the Interreg Slovenia-Hungary program is celebrating an important achievement. As part of the Project Slam 2022 competition, it received a special award from the European Commission with a very impressive stage performance.

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