On Tuesday, 17th April 2018, at 11 am, at the Baroque Salon of the Pomurje Museum in Murska Sobota, the opening conference of the e-documenta Pannonica project was held. The project is being implemented in the frame of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia – Hungary 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

The main objective of project e-documenta Pannonica is the cooperation of institutions of the programme area having the preservation of cultural heritage in the focus of their operation. The main aim is to establish an interdisciplinary database in the form of an online portal on the cultural heritage of the area in order to increase the attractiveness of destinations in Prekmurje in Slovenia and Vas County in Hungary.

The project was presented by representatives of all project partners: Museum of Pomurje Murska Sobota (Lead Partner), Regional Archives Maribor, Cultural and Tourism Institute Beltinci, Savaria Municipal Museum and Hungarian National Archives – Archive of the Vas County.

At the very beginning of the conference, the director of the Museum of Pomurje Murska Sobota, Metka Fujs had a keynote speech. Then Ms. Mateja Huber from Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota presented project e-documenta Pannonica, followed by presentations of project partners and their role in the project. Regional Archives Maribor was introduced by Gordana Šövegeš Lipovšek, the Institute for Tourism and Culture Beltinci by Ela Horvat, Savaria Municipal Museum by dr. Sándor Horváth, and the Hungarian National Archives – Archives of Vas County by dr. Péter Kóta.

The conference was also visited by the media: Vestnik, Murski val, RTV in Muravidéki Magyar Rádió.