International training for the use of the Arachne Risk Scoring Tool for representatives of national control units from Hungary, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia

Ljubljana, 4 July 2018 – The Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy, in the role of the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariats for the cross-border cooperation programmes Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary, Slovenia-Austria and Slovenia-Croatia, organized a training for national controllers for the use of the data mining and risk scoring tool Arachne.

More than 40 representatives of the national control units from Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia and the Audit Authority (Budgetary Control Unit of the Republic of Slovenia) attended the workshop. Representatives of the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariats presented the functionalities of the tool, which, by data mining of publicly available information on companies, persons, contracts and projects, determines the risk level of partners and projects in 7 different categories of indicators. The participants tested the newly acquired knowledge by solving 30 tasks, divided into 7 exercises.

The training will contribute to the enhanced use of the Arachne tool at the level of national controllers and will also increase awareness of the importance of eliminating risks of fraud, conflicts of interest and irregularities.

At the same time, cooperation between the Managing Authority and the national control units was highlighted, which also contributes to the successful implementation of the programmes. With the share of allocated programme funds (more than 90 %) and the amount of payments made, the three programmes are above the average of the European territorial cooperation programmes at EU level.


12 project applications submitted in the fifth deadline for the submission of projects

On Friday, 29th June 2018 at 12:00 the fifth deadline for the submission of project applications in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary in the period 2014-2020 ended.

Until the closure of the deadline, 12 project applications were submitted. Below you can find the table of all received applications with requested amounts.

The next deadline for the submission of project applications is foreseen in the mid of year 2019. The date of the sixth deadline for the submission of projects will be published on the programme website at least two months before the end of the deadline.



Order Project ID Acronym Name of the project Priority Axis Specific Objective Lead Partner ERDF amount requested (in EUR)
1 SIHU203 ThermalBELT Slovensko-madžarsko čezmejno sodelovanje na področju obdelave termalnih voda / Szlovén-magyar határon átnyúló termálvízkezelési együttműködés 2 1 University of Maribor  €        311 571,75
2 SIHU205 RegCircEcon Proučevanje snovnih in energijskih tokov za prehod regije na krožno gospodarstvo / Anyag- és energia folyamatok elemzése a körkörös gazdaság bevezetése céljából a régióban 2 1 University of Maribor  €        293 879,53
3 SIHU206 CROSS LINKED Krepitev institucionalnega sodelovanja za učinkovitejši pristop k upravljanju človeških virov in k vzpostavljanju trajnostnega projektnega partnerstva /A humánerőforrás menedzsment hatékonyabb megközelítését és a fenntartható projektpartnerség létrehozását szolgáló intézményi együttműködés erősítése 2 1 Research and Educational Centre Mansion Rakičan  €        346 481,25
4 SIHU209 HBT 2.CB Krepitev zmogljivosti na področju kočijaštva in aktivnosti s konjem / Kapacitásépítés a lovaskocsizás és a lovakkal való tevékenységek területén  2 1 Zavod nazaj na konja, Zavod za razvoj, raziskave in izobraževanje v konjeništvu in na področju aktivnosti in terapije s pomočjo konja  €        349 388,25
5 SIHU211 BC4CO Határon átnyúló energia együttműködés építése helyi szervezetek között /

 Izgradnja čezmejnega energetskega sodelovanja med lokalnimi organizacijami

2 1 Consultants for Sustainable Development  €        305 439,42
6 SIHU212 DUAL TRANSFER Dobre prakse in institucionalno sodelovanje pri usklajevanju poklicnega izobraževanja / Jó gyakorlatok és intézményi együttműködés a szakképzés koordinációjában 2 1 Pomurje Chamber of Commerce and Industry   €        341 845,59
7 SIHU214 WeCare Vzpostavitev dnevnega varstva za starejše / Napközi gondozás bevezetése az idősek számára 2 1 DOM STAREJŠIH LENDAVA IDOESEBB POLGAROK OTTHONA LENDAVA  €        357 265,83
8 SIHU217 NeMeSzov III. Nemzetközi mentorhálózat a szociális vállalkozásokért – Mednarodna mentorska mreža za socialna podjetništva  2 1 Local development foundation for Pomurje region  €        185 716,50
9 SIHU218 CLIMAMENTORIII Skupaj za varovanje podnebja!- Varovanje podnebja  je skupen program prilagajanja podnebnim spremembam in Trajnostnega upravljanja porabe energije

A klímavédelem, a klímaváltozáshoz történő alkalmazkodás és a Fenntartható energiagazdálkodás közös programja

2 1 Smart House Martjanci – Institution for research and sustainable development Martjanci  €        196 280,38


We would like to inform you that on Friday, 29th June 2018 at 12.00 p.m. the 5th deadline for the submission of project applications in the frame of the Open Call for Proposals of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary will expire.

Invitation to the symposium of business relation-development symposium of the project “E-CONOMY”

On June 6, in Zalaegerszeg an international symposium on business relation-development will be held in the framework of the cross-border project E-CONOMY. The symposium will be held at the Hotel Arany Bárány (H-8900 Zalaegerszeg, Széchenyi tér 1. – Pannónia room).

ESCAPE – Symposium of Tolerance

On Wednesday, May 23, at Sveta Ana in Slovenske Gorice an international symposium on the cultural heritage and development opportunities in the context of green tourism will be held in the framework of the cross-border project ESCAPE.

“Back in the day” project-opening event with media conference implemented

On Friday, 13 April 2018, the Back in the Day project partnership met in the Castle of Rakičan to discuss the state of cultural heritage in the border area and the possibilities of its preservation in the form of an outdoor museum. Further stakeholders of the culture and tourism sector, experts, the general public ans media representatives also participated in the event.


On Tuesday, May 8 2018, a workshop for reporting and for potential applicants in the frame of the 5th deadline was carried out in Gosztola, Hungary.

During the workshop participants were presented how to prepare a quality project from the intervention logic point of view. The most common mistakes that were made in the course of preparing projects submitted in the previous rounds have also been demonstrated. The participants were acquainted with the programme rules they need to take in to consideration when carrying out the activities on information and communication. The morning session ended with the introduction of  reporting procedures via the eMS system.

In the afternoon, two projects co-financed from the funds available in the 2nd priority axis were presented. Both presenters focused on  how they were successful to have their projects be confirmed. The mistakes made in the previous applications but they received professional help to correct them. As the closure of the afternoon, a round table was organized on the topic of project preparation for the 2nd priority axis and that of the most common mistakes . Beneficiaries were provided with some hints how they can develop  more focused projects and better preparation. The discussions actively involved the participants of the workshop  who received a lot of useful information from the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.

For more information on the reporting workshop, click here.

News by TV AS about the event can be watched here.

“Horse Based Tourism – HBT” project-opening event with media conference implemented

HORSE BASED TOURISM – HBT opening event accompanied with a media conference which happened on 19th of April in RIS Dvorec Rakičan, has hosted representatives of interested parties (touristic organizations & companies, equestrian organizations), which will at some point complement the project with their contribution.

Opening conference of the project “e-documenta Pannonica” implemented

On Tuesday, 17th April 2018, at 11 am, at the Baroque Salon of the Pomurje Museum in Murska Sobota, the opening conference of the e-documenta Pannonica project was held. The project is being implemented in the frame of the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia – Hungary 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

5th deadline for submission of project proposals and change of the Open Call

We would like to inform you that the date for the 5th deadline was agreed upon in the frame of the 6th Monitoring Committee meeting. The Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary operates on the basis of the Open Call system. This means that as applicants you can submit project applications continuously after the Open Call has been launched as long as funds are available.